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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by tdev, Jan 24, 2015.

  1. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    And what, pray tell, is insane about looking at a string of wildly missed predictions, constantly-changing official stories, and blatant media idiocy and thinking "huh, something's off here"?
  2. TheAdmiester

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    Aug 7, 2012
    The fact that the only country with masses with the same attitude as yourself, also happens to be the company with by far the most deaths.

    This isn't even a media issue. People are dying, there are no two ways about it.
    • Agree Agree x 8
  3. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    Uh, okay then.
    I'm not sure if it was, tbh.
    Yeah, there will be a virus, but people are advising that you wear masks. I think it's already required to wear a mask in some areas right now. Also, I feel like the US in general reopened too quickly and now cases are rising up. You know we have to start doing something when there's 130,000+ deaths in less then a year. I think people want others to social distance, quarantine, and wear masks so that way lives could be saved. I could be wrong.
    Wait, are you talking about Bill Gates? Yes, there might be a reason wearing masks is political, but masks shouldn't be a political thing. They should be standard right now while we're dealing with this whole COVID situation.

    Bruh. I don't see how masks could suppress brain function. Are you sure you don't need to go to medical school to study this stuff more? I wear a mask when I go to my grandma's house and I don't run of oxygen. I breathe fine. I'm not saying masks are gonna make you a 600 IQ college professor, but how the f**k could they even suppress brain function anyways?
    Could you at least provide a link?
    Unless their panic attacks cause them to have a heart attack, cause them to work poorly, and they really can't handle something around their face. They should be required to wear a mask. I freak out over fly's getting too close to my face, but I can wear a mask. I'm not saying your coworker doesn't have panic attacks, but do masks cause him to stop breathing?
    You might have to weak a mask again if something like COVID comes around, but doctors and dentists were wearing masks long before this COVID thing ever happened. I don't see what's so bad about wearing a mask.
    Okay, but COVID is causing over 130,000 deaths in less then a year. We need to do something about it. There's a reason people keep saying "Reduce cases". Look, I'm glad you can at least admit you don't know as much as others. I don't know as much as others either, but COVID is a serious issue. 130,000 deaths in less then a year. That's bad.
    That doesn't mean we shouldn't take action against COVID, because we should.
    That is NOT an excuse whatsoever for a 130,000 deaths in less then a year. We need fight COVID and I don't care if we do that just by having every single human wear a mask. COVID is a serious issue.
    You're underestimating COVID. The fact that you're talking about how masks "suppress brain function" makes you seem very insane. People are dying because of this. This isn't a case of "the media brainwashing you". It's the case of a deadly virus that is killing over a 100,000 people in less then a f**king year.
    People are dying because of this virus. Please for the love of God, own up to your mistakes and just respect the guy who's rightfully calling you out on this bullsh*t. Look up more information about this before making posts about it.

    I'm sorry if I sound rude, but COVID is a deadly virus. We need to abolish it or at least get it under control.

    Go ahead and respond to me, but I feel horrible for the people who've had their health quality reduced or have died because of this virus. Please wash your hands, wear a mask, and social distance.

    EDIT: Thank you to everyone who rated this post agree.
    #2543 95Crash, Jul 14, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2020
    • Agree Agree x 5
  4. Kueso

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    Oct 14, 2016
    Grind makes a lot of good points in there, but we cant ignore exceptions
    COVID is a universal issue at this point, and some people ik just cant physically wear masks due to pre-existing conditions like bad pneumonia (which already is a life threatening virus). but it wouldnt matter at that point because they wouldnt be going to a restaurant (as an example) anyway lol

    masks do reduce oxygen inhalation a bit (thats why they feel so hot after a while, its C02 from ur lungs) so thats why people with lung conditions cant wear them for extended amounts of time without possibly hurting themselves further.
    But either way, they'd be inside recovering anyway lol. im making this point so Grind can understand sort of where chuck was coming from.

    Masks' only job is to not let your breath be projected as far as it would normally, which is the same reasons doctors wear them, to not get their saliva or breath on their patients. They arent a miracle device like some people make them out to be. They are solely a sanitary device and should be treated as one. I wear them because i respect other people's opinions and desires. I may not like wearing a mask after a while, but i can put my pride aside and just do it for others, despite me not being sick at all. And refer back to what i said about why doctors wearing masks, that too

    but yeah good job grind, very well put together.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  5. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    Thank you. I may have issues, but I'm glad I managed to put together a decent post. The information you give about masks is really interesting, but I'm glad you're willing to wear one. I'd rather wear a mask then die of a virus like COVID.

    Btw, I don't know Shotgun Chuck, but his attitude towards this COVID thing is just awful.
    #2545 95Crash, Jul 14, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2020
  6. Kueso

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    Oct 14, 2016
    yeppers no issue dude!
    also dont let COVID rule your life. Yes its a pandemic and should be treated as one, but dont let it stop you from going out and getting an ice cream cone with a mask on. Life's worth living, your only here once so live, but do it carefully and safely. Take all the precautions the CDC or other authorized body might recommend and dont be "fearful", per se. i like calling it a healthy respect for something like this. dont respect it as a person, but respect it as something that can easily kill you. So i like to be safe while i go get groceries, because even if COVID hit, i still gotta eat. ;)
    • Agree Agree x 3
  7. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    I won't let COVID rule my life, but I think Chuck needs serious help.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Kueso

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    Oct 14, 2016
    ive read what he posted here. while i dont agree with his no mask policy or whatever, he makes some decent observations:
    -the media is pretty corrupt. its all politically biased one way or the other and its all just generally toxic. so much for happy local news anymore
    -nothing for me has been more enjoyable since quarantine. He's right there, but i think its ok to put aside myself to keep others safe. Its just common decency at that point

    he generally (ive noticed) likes to question everything, which is a healthy practice. But i try to not let it get in the way of just being a decent human to others.
    And i dont disagree with him when he says certain events can lead to further pain in the future, i just dont think Covid is one of those events. Also yeah the govt is definitely not run by perfect angels, he's also right there.

    My philosophy is that for the world to run cohesively with Covid also present, we need ways to mitigate things, like masks and social distancing. Besides, who really liked being next to strangers in a packed area in the first place. Most people smell bad lol.

    He fails to acknowledge that masks are only there to stop your breath from traveling as far. Thats their entire purpose, yet he calls them "oxygen deprivation devices"
    As ive already outlined, only people who cant wear masks shouldnt.

    He also likes to exaggerate situations. I know somebody in New Zealand, and they opened back up literally because cases had been eradicated (or nearly so). They were effective in stopping covid, so they opened back up. I think what he is afraid of is that when we get rid of Covid, the government wont let us not use masks so they can control the population in another small way. Knowing how corrupt governments can be, its a possibility, but and insanely unlikely one. Its really out there. He appeals to the slippery slope fallacy. While its a possibility (see Bolshevik revolution and the eventual fall of the USSR/Nazi Germany), like i said, its out there.

    Think of Covid as the Cold War/Cuban Missile Crisis: once it was handled, it was left in the past and everyone moved on with greater precautions so as to not fuck up again. And the CMC was a greater threat to the world than Covid, i think, ever could be. there was a great video made comparing covid's size as a pandemic to stuff like the Black Death. at the time of the video, Covid was child's play in comparison. Anyway, Covid will most likely be handled the same way as the CMC:

    "Lets not let a virus get out of containment again"
    "ok, how will we do that?"

    and at this point in the argument chuck may say that the government will accomplish this by making us wear masks etc. He fails to understand that despite how corrupt the government may be, its not really that stupid. He doesnt address the base of the issue, which was the fact the virus got out of containment in the first place.
    And i do believe Covid will be taken care of, it will just take time.
    anyway, back to the "argument":

    "we will take precautions when developing viruses for testing. we will contain them better. etc etc"

    Chuck assumes that these precautions will be inherently bad, which is a terrible philosophy.

    I hope that clears some things up. I like seeing both people from their own angle, and then my own. it helps me analyze what they are saying so i can talk about what they are saying without sounding like a buffoon.
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  9. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    Good post. Tbh, I don't like the government. However, I'm glad you're willing to see this from both sides.
  10. appesh1

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    Aug 19, 2019
    mfw shitshow about somebody pulling facts from their ass is on a game forum
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  11. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    It's just a huge mess, honestly. Chuck will probably respond to me tomorrow and I'm sure that'll go well. Here's a weird question. What the thing Chuck you disagreed with him the most on?
  12. appesh1

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    Aug 19, 2019
    every single word in every single post he wrote.
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  13. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    Oh jeez, the brain function thing. I just do not see how masks can suppress brain function.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. Kueso

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    Oct 14, 2016
    as much as you may dislike him, disagreeing with everything he says is just as ignorant as some of the stuff he says.
    seeing stuff from both sides is best normally. but yeah i see where you are coming from lol
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  15. 98crownvic

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    Jul 14, 2016
    It's incredibly sad to see all of the people that ignore or completely go against common sense and science. Masks don't restrict your liberty, they don't deprive you of oxygen, it's not a "plandemic" or a hoax by the "left wing media." Wearing a mask is the smart thing to do, and the thing any decent person would do. You wear a mask to protect others, by not doing that, you can kill someone. I am disappointed to share a country with so many of these kinds of people, and their actions certainly have consequences, I think the US COVID death count is a pretty good indicator. Wearing a mask helps things reopen more safely and more quickly, and ultimately will result in less deaths. The more you ignore logic and science, the more it will come back to haunt you.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  16. appesh1

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    Aug 19, 2019
    it was more of a hyperbole, it wasn't really meant to be taken too literally. I actually do not hate Shotgun Chuck, rather I do respect him. It's just that we don't think the sam way, which i ok. i do see that some people with disabilities may not be able to wear a mask and I do see both sides, and I've came to my own decision. anyways, thanks for seeing where I am coming from
    #2556 appesh1, Jul 14, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2020
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  17. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    #2557 NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck, Jul 14, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2021
  18. Deleted member 160369

    Deleted member 160369
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    Just so you know, none of the "novel sickness scares" you mentioned just disappeared on its own. There's no Magic Trigger™ that turns off viruses after a while, they were all contained and disappeared once their spread was halted, because, well, viruses can't survive if they can't reproduce...

    SARS for example only "disappeared" because it was much more lethal and way less contagious than the novel SARS-CoV-V2, so it basically killed most of the hosts it could infect but also couldn't spread fast enough to reach pandemic levels.
    • Agree Agree x 5
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  19. andrzejserafin5

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    Apr 23, 2020
    Can everybody please stop making dramas and telling all people about something because he write something weird?
  20. Kueso

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    Oct 14, 2016
    It’s 2:00 Am and I can’t make a long winded reply because mobile, but I will say: you do make sense. I may not agree, but you make sense. I just wear masks to not feel good or whatever, I just do it so I can keep others safe from a potential threat. And yeah I’ve heard all about the dumpsterfire that was managing the COVID rates, and I won’t discredit it, but to me, even if the rates are lower, it still doesn’t take away from the severity of the situation. And yeah the media like clicks no matter what they put out, so cross referencing anything from the MSM is to be doubted to a degree. Anyway I need to sleep. I’d be happy to discuss this further in DM’s or something.
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