General discussion

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by Car crusher, Apr 4, 2014.

  1. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018

    Anyways, I think Reddit is a load of crap. There are a lot of comments on there that have stressed me out, including this one that I copied from the Reddit thread or whatever called "Trade school is a joke".

    "And on another note, my passion is competitive gaming and to have a YouTube channel. For the former, there's no other way but to work and get money on the side and then do competitive gaming as a hobby. Same with YouTubing. No, I am not willing to throw away a secure future just for my passions. I can do my passions in my free time and as such, it's overwhelmingly stupid to throw away a guaranteed source of income to make my passion my main source of income. The term "starving artist" doesn't exist for no reason." Aquafuze

    I honestly kinda disagree with this post. Look, making a YouTube channel is not for everyone and there are starving artists out there. However, there are people like Jake Paul that can make a million dollars off YouTube. By the way, a smart idea would be to promote your YouTube channel and give a link to it. You can also start a Patreon account.

    Look, I think Aquafuze can do whatever works for him, but I'm sure there's people out there who make music and entertainment that make a good wage off it. I am aware that there are starving artists out there, but that can be because they don't promote their work, or they don't allow themselves to make money off it. Look, I'm not saying that you have to make your passion a main source of income.

    I totally get the appeal of working at a job that you don't love/enjoy, but you make good money off of. However, there are people out there who make money off gaming and YouTube. Some people actually make a living off YouTube and depend on it as their main source of income. By the way, you can totally do your passions in your free time, but if Aquafuze wanted to make his passions his main source of income. He probably could.

    --- Post updated ---
    "I'm seeing the complete opposite with my friends. The ones with the degrees are excelling while the others that thought they didn't need one are struggling while preaching the "college is for suckers" line. Depends on what you do with it" evilfatman89

    Yes, but there are successful people without degrees and there are unsuccessful people with degrees. College is not a black or white thing.

    "Very very ture. I'm right there with you. I got a degree and a decent job. All my friends from high school that took one or two semesters at a community college are still working as servers at Texas Road House. Granted they make some good money but most still live with their parents." naturalborn

    Well, people with degrees (on average) do make more then high school grads. However, there are people without degrees who make a decent wage.

    "TIL if you aren't making money you are worthless and can't possibly be contributing in any other way." huehuemar

    What if you're a nice person that helps people?

    Honestly, comments like this are the main reason I dislike Reddit.

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    By the way, here's some advice. It's up you on whether or not you want to go to college. Do what works for you. Don't do something just because some random internet user says you should. College is not black or white. If you disagree with the things I said. Please explain why.
  2. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    Well, making YouTube videos as a job can be risky, but there might be people out there who make a million dollars off YouTube videos. As far as this whole entertainment thing I'm planning goes. I might get a part time job at a place like Food Lion when I get out of high school until my career takes off, but we'll see where my life goes. I may even go to Hollywood someday and make $50 million off being an actor or a director. However, we'll see. As far as copyright goes. If I want use copyrighted music. I will make sure I get permission from the artist before using it.
    Are you referring to me, or are you referring to evilfatman89?

    By the way, I'm sure you can make a million off YouTube, but that's only if you're successful like Jake Paul, MrBeast, etc.
    Oh jeez, imagine an 80-year old living with his or her parents.
    Exactly, You can make someone a stuffed animal, or make food for them.
    Thanks =D
    • Like Like x 1
  3. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    Okay then. Anyways, I would love to debunk more Reddit comments :)

    Would you like me do that appesh1?
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Peter Beamo

    Peter Beamo
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    Jun 27, 2016
    Talking bout toilet paper do you guys have this at your home ? Just asking cause I live in Asia and we got this jet powered toilet hose everywhere lol

    #39184 Peter Beamo, Mar 29, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2020
    • Like Like x 3
  5. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018

    Now, let's get started. @appesh1, @Harkin Labs Gaming, @CaptainZoll, and @Copunit12. Feel free to share your thoughts on this :)

    By the way, the things I say responding to the comments below are my opinion.
    Also, this post has been edited.

    "You're a stupid kid. You really are and you know absolutely dogsh*t about life. You're a sheltered kid who has no real life experiences and has had no responsibilities other than mowing the lawn for your life. You're a strain on the economy and absolutely worthless in your current state. When you grow up you'll look back and wish you had listened." [deleted]

    Really? All because the comment you quoted said/meant "Being told what to do is annoying for me"? Come on. It's bad enough there's other people out there saying "gO tO cOlleGe aNd gEt a degRee!", and now you're pressuring them to go.

    "People are advising you to go to college, they are not "telling you what to do"." rocky8u

    To be honest, I think they're doing both.

    "Music production like being a dj? None of those will pay for a roof over your head and put food on the table. Theyre more hobbies than careers." [deleted]

    The Chainsmokers (according to Google) are the highest paid DJs. They have $46 million dollars. That's a lot of money. Honestly, I believe that this Reddit statement above me is a naysayer comment.

    "You will need to find a school to go to, if not necessarily a four year college in order to learn more about any of those interests and start a career. Explore your options." pensivegargoyle

    For music?! Are you sure about that?

    "Making a living off of making music is really really really unrealistic." [deleted]

    Are you sure? I'm sure there's a lot of people out there that make a good living of making music.

    "Our ditch-diggers should have a solid knowledge of the scientific process, and calculus skills. They should be able to comment on art displays and reference classical history." HazelGhost

    No offense, but not everyone needs to be a super smart know it all and not everyone needs to have a crap-ton of knowledge about math or science.

    "I think everyone should go to college, or at least have access to college purely as a means of enlightenment and learning about the world. Practically, college is there for you to educate yourself in order to find a job. Idealistically, college would also be available to those who just want to seek more knowledge about a certain subject and expand their point of view. The paywall prevents that from happening, though. If everyone had access to higher education, for whatever reason they need, I think humanity as a whole would improve." [deleted]

    I disagree. I think college is right for engineers, doctors, lawyers, professors, accountants, etc. However, I don't think everyone should go to college. I feel like it would massively tank the value of a high school diploma. If everyone went to college. Then, there wouldn't be any unique people without degrees and employers would only hire people with degrees which would cause people who are sick of school to be screwed if they didn't attend university.

    "Even the word, labor, was associated with the lower class and poorly educated." OGHuggles

    Is that true, or is that your opinion? Also, like I said earlier. Not everyone needs to be a know it all.

    Anyways, I'm done for now. Thanks for reading :)
    #39185 95Crash, Mar 29, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2020
  6. Harkin Gaming

    Harkin Gaming
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    Jan 17, 2016
    It is very difficult to become a Youtuber. I tried to make a few videos before and none of them got more than 200 views. My biggest mistake was telling people that I had a Youtube channel, which caused a lot of people to try to ruin it for me with cyber bullying, threats, and disliking my videos to bury my channel in the Youtube algorithm.

    If I were you, I would start making videos now and try to build up an audience. Follow trends and make videos people want to watch. Don't worry about monetization for a while, and just have fun with it.

    EDIT: I just checked and apparently I have almost 1,500 views on the last video I made.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  7. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    That's a fair point. Maybe I should put my entertainment on Hulu, Netflix, or Amazon Prime instead. Anyways, what do you think of these reddit college/job comments I quoted?
  8. Phym

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    Jan 1, 2020
    Yeah I have that.
  9. ViroGamer

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    Jan 4, 2020
    Jet powered Hose? What does it blast at like 20,000 PSI? Ok, that would destroy your flesh, but seems quite strong for a hose
    bruh i have scp 2966 i bet that can beat ya
    google scp 2966, its not those creepy ones
  10. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    By the way, to add one last thing to this whole college thing. I want to say that I watched a YouTube video. I can't find it now, but I heard the person say in the video that it was hard to find a job with just a high school diploma.
  11. Harkin Gaming

    Harkin Gaming
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    Jan 17, 2016
    How would you get yourself on those streaming services? I have never heard of someone starting out from there. About the reddit posts, it is just people voicing their opinions. They aren't right or wrong, but they are somewhat hostile for no reason. Do whatever you want, not what others tell you to do, but also don't completely write off what they say.

    In my opinion, if you want to be an entertainer, then start out with Youtube. Just don't expect much from it until you get a strong foothold. Have fun with whatever you choose to do and don't get discouraged by reddit, as they have an "attack anything that types" policy :p which is why I don't use reddit.
    --- Post updated ---
    It is hard to find a job with just a diploma, that is why I strongly encourage getting certifications in addition to a diploma.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  12. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    Okay then. Thanks for the information about the entertainment and you make a good point about the Reddit thing.
  13. Peter Beamo

    Peter Beamo
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    Jun 27, 2016
    My house has a pretty high water pressure so you gotta go easy on the trigger or you'll end up destroying your butt lol
  14. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    Oh, okay then. I could be wrong on this, but my grandma was telling me about an electrician who only had a high school education and he makes over a $100K a year. By the way @appesh1, I would love to hear your thoughts on my latest post responding to Reddit comments.
  15. Harkin Gaming

    Harkin Gaming
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    Jan 17, 2016
    That sounds very possible. I am sure that they got their certifications some way or another though. You can also do an apprenticeship to learn trades.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    Alright, let's respond to more Reddit comments :p

    "There's a ton of studies showing that lifetime earning of college students (on average) are significantly higher than those who did not continue their education. There's always going to be individuals that fall outside of the average return, but the numbers don't lie." -Randy-Marsh-

    Fair enough, but I'm sure there are college grads working at dead end jobs and I'm sure there are non college grads working at great jobs that pay well.

    "Those videos are wrong. [Here are mean annual earnings based on educational attainment] ( The cost of school, (which can be mitigated) is more than made up over time. In addition, a lack of a degree permanently blocks you from access to many higher paying roles down the road. Simple math determines it is not. Those videos on YouTube typically compare the best possible outcomes of going to trade school with lower end entry level jobs to make their point. It ignores that those entry level hobs have upward mobility that those trade positions lack and over the course of a career you are going to advance much further than entry level. Now, not all fields are equal. If you go into art history, you're going to be fairly limited in career upward mobility in that field. If you go into social work, the pay sucks. A degree doesn't mean that you will become solidly middle class no matter what job you take. But those jobs become available to you with a degree. Even one in Art History can still land you a job in the insurance industry. College costs can be mitigated as well. You can do community college and then transfer to wherever you want your degree from and mitigate at least half the cost. You can get a degree from an affordable university. There are scholarships available. If you wait a year or two you can declare yourself under your own income and will be able to get a lot of need-based financial aid, regardless of what your parents make. There are plenty of resources out there to help you minimize the cost of education if you look for them" TheManWhoWasNotShort

    Okay, maybe the things that this guy is saying is true, but I don't think college is for everyone.

    "There's some truth there, but while it's true that you don't NEED to go to college to be successful, it does dramatically increase the chances of it. It's better to have the degree that you never need than to get locked out of things because you need one you don't have." JustynS

    I guess college can increase your chances of success considering that college grads apparently make more then high school grads. It might be better to have a degree that you don't need then to not have a degree that you need, especially if you want to go into medical fields.

    Now, it's time to respond to Harkin Labs Gaming.
    I heard he did a trade program in high school. I could be wrong though. By the way, how do you feel about me responding to these Reddit comments?
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  17. Harkin Gaming

    Harkin Gaming
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    Jan 17, 2016
    Lol, someone on reddit is convinced there is no upward mobility in trades. In reality it is the complete opposite. If you are good at what you do then you advance in the industry. The opportunities are endless at least in the automotive world. I believe one of my instructors helped found a very well known performance company, not exactly sure of his involvement though.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  18. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    Some random gullible person/Reddit fanboy/anti-trade/pro-college person: "Someone on reddit said entry level college jobs have upward mobility and trades don't, so it must be true."

    I'm still a teenager. If my entertainment career doesn't go well. I might go into trades. By the way, I have a question. Is there any homework or Math/English/Science/History tests at a trade school, or is it all hands on learning?

    --- Post updated ---
    By the way Harkin Labs Gaming, I apologize for all the stupid Reddit crap you saw.
  19. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018

    Thanks appesh1 =D
  20. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018

    Actually, I think someone else said they were sheltered.
    Cool :)
    I don't mind college being more affordable. I just don't want it being mandatory. By the way, I am curious as to why you think these reddit comment writers need college. Couldn't they just go out into the real world?
    Thanks for the information.

    "Now, degrees are handed out like candy" nycengineer111

    Now, this is a hilarious comment.
    I wanna say thanks for all the great things you and other users have done for me on here.
    #39200 95Crash, Mar 30, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2020
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