Sadly, as far as i know there weren't any Škoda 100 or 110 cars used by the Czechoslovak police, just one Škoda 110R of which I found some photos on the internet. But its predecessor the Škoda 1000MB was produced (although in small numbers) in a VB variant, so with a bit of artistic freedom.... --- Post updated --- I just found one!
Nice! I believe the unit siren that was used by the czechoslovakian VB police was the AZD 501/500 --- Post updated --- Maybe this model is wrong for its era then.
I thought that because of how hard it was to find a picture of a skoda 100 in a VB paintjob, except on a model, but then I remembered that the skoda 100 was made up to 1977, and the skoda 105 started production in 1976. There are many 1976 skoda 105's in the VB paintjob with the siren lightbar tesla AZD, so it is possible that this model is correct. My bad
Well, I only found one picture of VB Škoda 100, while I found several pictures of Škoda 110R in VB livery and there were only five of those, so it's quite possible that there were also only few Škodas 100 in VB colours, there is even the possibility that there was only that one. At the time VB had better cars they could get like the Mosvich 412 and later VAZ 2101, compared to them the smaller and slower Škoda 100 just didn't make any sence (I'd love to have that classic 60s Škoda Octavia in BeamNG, I really want to get one IRL.)
There wasn't many MB's and 100's in service of the ministry of internal affairs (police and other organizations) because they were frankly gutless and mostly anything from a Fiat to a 2101 would smoke them. Marked, some were used as cars for personal transport of officers where they needed but they were never really out in the field doing police work, managing traffic or otherwise. You have a pic of one without a flasher or a siren, that's one of the "office" cars, that was literally for official use and transportation, but not any action. Most field service through the 70s was seen by soviet cars, namely 2101's and GAZ sedans, with exceptions. There was a few of the 110R's in highway patrol because they did pack a punch, but there was a coupe dozen of those at max. when 120's came they performed way better and could enter regular service.
That's true, the 100 literally had a 1 liter engine, with a top speed of around 120 km/h(?) so yeah, even the slightly underwhelming 2101 could smoke it. There's a video actually from a movie with the GAZ 24 volga as a VB police car. Now I cannot utter a single vowel of czech, so frankly I have zero idea what's happening in the video, but it's a good example of how quick the volgas were compared to the Skoda 100. (Volga visible from 4:50 onwards)
There are actually many stories of police car drivers having trouble chasing suspecs after the 1989 when cheap used cars from west flooded the market, there were several cases of BMWs and Audis that had to be chased with Škodas 120 and only way they could catch them was with use of some quite complicated encircling tactics. One can only imagine how the police would have to act if the communism fell, let's say in 1968. The main Czechoslovak cars then in use by the police were the Škodas 1201, 1202 and Octavia Combi all of them were heavy and slow wagons with 1.2 litre engines with power of about 45 HP. For the year 1973 I found these numbers of police cars in use: Škoda 1202 STW - 212 Moskvich 408 - 206 Škoda Octavia Combi - 197 Moskvich 426 - 183 GAZ - 21 Volha - 173 Out of these only the Volha can mantain and exeed 130 km/h, Ladas 2101 and GAZ - 24 Volhas were only bought in high numbers after the year 1975, prelast year of production of the Škoda 100. Before that the only real "High-speed" police car used in Czechoslovakia was Tatra 603, but again only in small numbers. For comparison Škoda 110LS has got top speed of about 145 km/h.
Yeah, I can just imagine the horrors that those things would go through against a beefy american muscle car. Volga might not have a problem, especially with that V8 engine in it.
As far as I know none of those V8 Volhas made did to the Czechoslovakia. Only really usable cars for chasing american cars in Czechoslovakia were Tatras 87, 603 and later 613.Tatra 87 could reach 160 km/h, Tatra 603 about 180 km/h and Tatra 613 had top speed of 190 km/h. All of them , though rear engined, handled better than the Volgam, since the suspension of the Volha wasn't constructed for high speeds.
Non credo, ma questo proviene da un ragazzo che non ha esperienza nel modding, quindi non lo so. (scusate il cattivo italiano, sto usando google translate)