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First loading of the map kills my Windows Media Player

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting: Bugs, Questions and Support' started by PolishPetrolhead, Dec 14, 2019.

  1. PolishPetrolhead

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    Nov 29, 2015
    As title. I have my music running in the background, i turn on the map to play BeamNG and suddenly Windows Media Player just dies on me, I can select a song but it won't play it. The worst thing is I can revive WMP only after straight up restarting my entire pc (sometimes just restart of the game and wmp is enough but not every time, far from ideal if you ask me).
  2. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    The game now uses your resources to its full potential when generating the cache of a level (happens the first time you load a level mod in a version).
    That will make this process as fast as possible. Other programs in background could stutter due that while this happens. This mainly depends on the scheduler behavior from Windows, more than the game itself.
    #2 Nadeox1, Dec 15, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2019
  3. PolishPetrolhead

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    Nov 29, 2015
    Hmm, is there a way to prioritise WMP over BeamNG in terms of resource taking so it doesn't die on me? Or the only way is to turn on the music only after I finish loading the map? I don't really care about loading times, I got used to them being so long from all the mods that I usually just alt tab from the game and do other stuff until it loads, and now that makes it impossible because everything around it just freezes.
  4. Michaelflat

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    Jul 10, 2014
    Fix this by making your audio player set to realtime priority (if you can trust it won't get stuck at all, a rogue process on priority real time means you have lost control of your system and just have to shut it down, as realtime priority is the same priority as your mouse :p )

    OR play it a bit more safe, set your audio player to high priority and let beaming and audio player fight over your CPU on a level playing field (rather than High vs normal priority)..

    Change CPU priority in task manager, right click the process go to details, then go to the process and right click, change priority
  5. PolishPetrolhead

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    Nov 29, 2015
    Ok, that worked, I set player to high priority and beam to normal and it worked, now the problem is that the change in priority resets with restart of the program, so I'd have to do this every time I boot up the game. So, is there a way to save the chosen priority for good?
    --- Post updated ---
    Setting both programs on high priority and letting them fight still has the same effect, beam wins. Media Player needs to be above on priority list to win over beam. I downloaded some little program called Prio, addition to task manager to save the priorities of the programs. However, beam just keeps on setting itself on high priority regardless of how much i try to make sure it doesn't. Countless restarts and it still changes its priority, completely disregarding the Prio program.
    --- Post updated ---
    UPDATE 2
    Prio couldn't force beam into compliance, so I had to download a program called Process Hacker to finally get beam to behave. Of course it has to be put on startup to work and it somewhat affects my booting time which is not nice. All for the sake of shaving off a few seconds off a couple minute load. I don't know how I feel about it, @Nadeox1
    --- Post updated ---
    Maybe make it use 95% or 98% potential instead of full? Just a thought.
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