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Xbox Series X

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Waasamoo, Dec 13, 2019.

  1. Waasamoo

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    Dec 13, 2019
    Could the Xbox Series X possibly be able to support beamng? If it does they should totally make it for the new xbox when it's released 2020.
  2. RobertGracie

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    Oct 15, 2013
    Short answer, No

    Long Answer, Are you out of your mind the Consoles do not even have the horsepower to run this game, its designed around the Computer, what your suggesting would be foolish...

    Consoles are built to run at around I would say 130 to 150 Watts max, a Graphics card in a computer would eat that for breakfast they can run at something like I think 250W or something, what you would have is a broken game for a console and it would hurt the brand this game will never be seen on anything else but a Windows based system
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  3. GotNoSable!

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    Jan 10, 2019
  4. fivedollarlamp

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    Sep 18, 2016
    Gamecube+Gamecube+2006 dell desktop= Xbox series X
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  5. 98crownvic

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    Jul 14, 2016
    I recall reading that it’s not really all that ridiculous to imagine BeamNG on a console. Could it be done today? Maybe, maybe not. Can it be done in the future? I’m willing to bet yes.
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  6. fivedollarlamp

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    Sep 18, 2016
    yeah, at one point we thought remastered lighting, traffic and an extended bed D-series were impossible...
    --- Post updated ---
    From what I can tell, I'm guessing that the new Xbox might be something like my old rig (https://www.amazon.com/HP-Phoenix-Computer-i7-6700K-860-140/dp/B01BEZ0CA2), but a bit more dumbed-down.
    Yeah, On medium graphics wth 1-2 cars, you could probably bush 60fps on the Xbox. That's a super conservative guess tho, you'd likely push more than that.
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  7. jeffbox

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    Aug 5, 2012
    Its possible but its not planned. Right now there is no reason to port it to the consoles because of the licenses and the dev kits they have to buy which is not cheap. And also, this game is constantly going through big changes, and is easier to develop on the platform they started with. They would need to hire more people to develop for the console and its just a waste of money right now.

    If you ask because you cant play on pc, maybe there is a chance it might be released on a streaming platform.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. fivedollarlamp

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    Sep 18, 2016
    • Agree Agree x 6
  9. Taza

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    Nov 8, 2015
    I would like to disagree. The new xbox has a zen2 based (true) 8 core processor, I guess boosting around 3.2-3.4ghz, which should be enough to run the physics. My 6 core ryzen can run the game at over 100fps at 2.8ghz.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  10. fivedollarlamp

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    Sep 18, 2016
    I'm rocking an R5 1600 and it runs this game beautifully. I'd imagine 2nd and 3rd gen Ryzens would run this game even better.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. RobertGracie

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    Oct 15, 2013
    I know what your saying but still this game isnt built for the console theres a lot of physics going on under the hood and far more stuff going on with the physics engine too, @estama and @Diamondback would know more about this stuff and they would explain why its not worth it, besides the team is like that of 30 people, its not worth developing for, it would mean having to rebuild the entire game from scratch and that costs money!
  12. GotNoSable!

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    Jan 10, 2019
    Consoles can barely run PUBG, they mos-def can't run Beam.
  13. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    Current gen consoles definetly can't, but next gen consoles actually probably will be powerful enough. However, the BeamNG team is only around 40-50 people. Not enough capital or manpower to reasonably divert what's needed to make a console version.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. GotNoSable!

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    Jan 10, 2019
    Also console=bad
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  15. RobertGracie

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    Oct 15, 2013
    Yep absolutely correct so point proven this game is NEVER going to console
  16. atv_123

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    Aug 5, 2012
    I think this problem deserves quantifying. I say that because every generation we get the same questions. Will BeamNG run on (insert generic hardware here) and the same answer is "no, because reasons" and then people go into these deep discussions about hardware and what not but they don't really answer the question properly... so finally I think I am gonna bother to do that.

    BeamNG would run fine on the newest gen hardware. BeamNG would run fine on current gen hardware... Hell it might even run at about 30fps on last gen hardware (at least the PS3 if it was specifically coded for its crazy processor). But BeamNG the "Game" would not run... what?

    Ok... what I mean by that is currently Beam doesn't really have many of its "game" features implemented yet. We only just got traffic, we have plenty of time trials, we have some basic bits of career mode... but that's about it. We don't really have the fleshed out game yet... which will probably have traffic all over the place, races with proper AI fighting for pole position and trying to mitigate damage, hell... even just tire thermals which we know is coming eventually.... that's not even in there yet which will be even more overhead as it is done for every car, not just yours.

    With all that extra stuff, BeamNG will be a TOUGH game to run... but right now... as a physics sandbox it is fairly easy to run depending on what your doing.

    For example, when BeamNG first came out I was running a mid 2010 MacBook Pro. It had an Intel Cor2Duo 2.4GHz processor with 4GB of RAM running a NVidia 320M... a truly pathetic card even by 2010 standards... by now that is probably one of the lowest end systems that have ever run Beam... but Beam ran fine on it... heck I would even go as far as to say that it ran well... as long as there was nothing being drawn anyways.

    On the basic levels where there wasn't much geometry going on, you could run 2 or even 3 cars no problem (the T series it did struggle with when that came about). The physics engine was not holding it back in the slightest, but as soon as you loaded up a level with any real amount of geometry in it, the game would come to a crawl... it struggled HARD.

    Now the game has been heavily optimized since those days on the physics end, so it is much more efficient than it used to be... that being said though, it has now also been given a whole hell of a lot more to do since then too. Back then the wheels didn't even have proper pressure calculations... they were just springs that gave an ehh estimation of the feeling of an air filled tire... so it's probably about even physics wise as is was back then... the real struggle is the graphics. The graphics have undergone a full blown overhaul since then and while my computer could run it... sorta... back then, I would be willing to bet (if my graphics card could even run DX11 so I could try it) that now it would still work fine on the simple levels, but on the harder levels it would just outright crash due to the complexity of the levels and all the textures and geometry.

    So where am I going with this...

    Yes Beam can run on just about anything... but that is without all the elements that really make it a game. Sure an old console might have been able to run a Pigeon on flatmap... but is that really "running" if that's the best it can do? I don't think so... and I think you would all agree with me that that isn't really fair to call it running either. So what would "running" properly entail?


    As a game, it would have traffic, 10 to 16 cars seems to be what people run with that new tool right? So lets say 10 ish cars be on screen and running at all times just about, a full blown level like Utah or Italy (lots of geometry), races and missions strewn about the map, a full UI (most of our computers now can't seem to even run this thing at full power), interactive objects like cones, barrels, stuff strewn about the map (all has to be done with nodes and beams too... so even more physics to run)... and a slew of other elements that I haven't mentioned here. Take all that and try to run it in Beam at the same time and you have a PC killer on your hands. Right now probably only 50% of the community has PC's that are powerful enough to run that much stuff at the same time and still keep them above 60fps... and those are modern PC's... think a console can do all that? Think again...

    This next Gen may actually end up being powerful enough to properly run BeamNG the "game" and not just the "sandbox" that it currently is (mostly). But even if it is, as others have stated, that would require purchasing a dev kit and all the licensing BS and what not... and that probably just isn't worth it.
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  17. RobertGracie

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    Oct 15, 2013
    Argument for Consoles has officially been killed right here with this comment!

    Comment of the year award goes to ATV_123!
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  18. fivedollarlamp

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    Sep 18, 2016
    Did you even read it?
    He's taking a neutral stance, not contributing to the "consoles bad" circlejerk you're quite fond of.
    He says it's possible, and when the game is feature-complete and there's a monetary incentive, then it'd be likely. It may sound difficult to reach these requirements, but remember- Kids love destroying cars. Most children have consoles.
    A bit of press, a bit of advertising, maybe a touch of investing, and you've got a serious moneymaker with this game.
  19. RobertGracie

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    Oct 15, 2013
    I do know he was taking the neutral standpoint about it but it just ended the argument for Consoles
  20. KrukasKlep

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    Aug 2, 2018
    If i would get one Euro everytime someone asked if beamng could get a console or mobile port i could start a car company that makes lifesized Beamng cars.
    • Like Like x 4
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