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Update Speculation thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by crazikyle, Jan 26, 2016.

  1. enjoyinorc6742

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    Dec 24, 2015
    I wonder if we will get a truggy/rockcrawler version of the D-Series and Roamer? the Hopper is already getting It so why not other vehicles you see on the trail?
    • Agree Agree x 7
  2. Randomgamer3210

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    Jan 17, 2016
    there is a chance of that happening as they added hydraulics to the Grand Marshall after the Bluebuck. The new parts could improve the 'pig' config for the D-series
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Sithhy™

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    Apr 5, 2017
    Well, about the pre-war cars... I guess having one as a mod would be a good start?

    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    The Ford model B came in a ton of body styles, but being that the only official passenger car body styles we have now have the same silhouette, it would be better to play it safe with the coupe varient. It's easier to make a roadster and pickup from the coupe wheras the tudor would only be a base for a phaeton body.

    As Randomgamer said, the D35 pig really should get updated using these new crawler parts. If it does, the Roamer might get the parts but not have them on any configs. Or it might. It seems like an odd choice for crawler/truggy to me but...
    #18704 ManfredE3, Nov 10, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2019
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. fivedollarlamp

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    Sep 18, 2016
    #18705 fivedollarlamp, Nov 10, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2019
  6. Srockzz

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    May 16, 2015
    So we can finally move on, no Pre-War cars. If there is no mods that make something like them, does the community even want them? It seems like the answer is no, considering that the only prewar car, the Auriga Heron is an abandoned, semi outdated mod. Also again consider the development time it would take to not only do the research but to make the million parts you expect it to have.
    Moving on, i think that the K-Series is in dire need of a makeover. The interior is outdated by ETK standards (No digital gauges) and it feels like its lacking on parts and configurations. Maybe even a convertible variant would be great.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  7. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    It seems that you Zesty and Kueso are the only ones on your side of the fence on this thread (look at how many people have commented or rated "agree" on posts pro-prewar car and how many people wanted one in Rusty's "what cars do you want for a second round of vehicles" thread). Not sure what you have against such a car. I can understand not liking one, but actively wanting one not to be in game when there's a decent amount of support for it is another thing all together

    As for pre-war mods... The Heron is an old favorite for many and Driv3r is making that pre-history 6x6 AND a '37 ford. Consider anything older than the '53 Special and you can add Blijo's roadster too. Besides, think about what the vehicle roster would look like if we only based community desire on quality car mods. We would have a lot of 60's American cars and a couple of Mazda's and Blijo's high heel...
    #18707 ManfredE3, Nov 10, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2019
    • Agree Agree x 9
  8. Nathan24™

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    Apr 18, 2017
    Why TF are you against prewar cars so much? Be real dude. I think there's DOZENS of people on this forum who would LOVE to see a prewar car in-game. Besides, a prewar car (think '32 Ford) would have SO MUCH modding potential, heck some creative modders might even do cool stuff with it, turn it into some weird snowmobile thingy, or swap a Wentward DT40L motor into it for instance.
    #18708 Nathan24™, Nov 10, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2019
    • Agree Agree x 5
  9. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    Wait what? I know the community likes to swap that motor into weird things, but... Okay...

    Speaking of weird hot rod engine swaps, mandatory reference to the Double Trouble hot rod is mandatory.

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  10. combatwombat96

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    Sep 19, 2018
    I know what I'm gonna do now... gonna make that thing look like a French tin can on wheels when I'm done
  11. EruptionTyphlosion

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    Sep 24, 2016
    Does anyone have footage of the beamng demo at SEMA?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. austen64

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    Jul 5, 2019
    What makes you think safety is a bad thing? Is not having your skull smashed through the windshield not "livin' life on the edge" enough for you?

    And what you don't seem to get is that that is an opinion, and as such should have no bearing on the right for other forms of transportation (including driverless cars) to exist.

    This is proof that you didn't actually read what I wrote. I said only two things about the government: That they don't care about the environment, and that their one attempt to get people to do something good for the environment (which again, was an incentive, not a law) failed because people like you seem to hate EVs more out of spite than out of personal preference.

    Exactly. Part of "quality of life" in this day and age is not dying of carbon monoxide pollution. What does it mean to you, freedom to do whatever the hell you want? Part of the reason why the environment is so polluted today (and we're forced to overcompensate by heavily pushing renewable energy, etc.) is because in the 1950's Americans couldn't care less about it and polluted it by driving ridiculously large and inefficient cars (don't get me wrong, they're cool and all, and I like having them in BeamNG, but there's a reason no one daily drives them anymore) and wasting all of the gas and oil while it was still cheap.

    What "agenda" would that be? That of Big Ecosystem?

    Okay, first, I'm assuming the "Powers that Be" you keep referencing is the government and large corporations.
    Second, as I keep trying to tell you, they don't really care about the environment. They should, but they don't.
    I'm not some Tesla fanboy who worships the almighty Elon "Pedo Guy" Musk, but I do admire him at least making an effort to actually produce real, sensible electric cars (though he still hasn't delivered on a properly affordable Model 3). All the other companies, like General Motors, are doing it either for publicity or to comply with the bare minimum of regulations in one state.

    And they're allowed to do that. As infuriating as it may be to Jeremy Clarkson wannabes like you, just because a road is considered a "great driving road" purely by hardcore enthusiasts doesn't mean cyclists aren't allowed on it. The people you speak of, who have multiple cars but ride a bike anyway, do it for exercise and for fun. If that's something you don't enjoy doing, then you have the freedom to not do that. But the world doesn't revolve around you, and neither do the roads.

    Any self-respecting cyclist knows you need reflective gear and lights to bike at night. Anyone else is an exception to the rule and is no different from a stupid driver who doesn't turn on his headlights at night. Additionally, where I'm from, you never see cyclists on the freeway because there's always a better and safer way to get there. In places where that's not the case, that's hardly the cyclist's fault, no?

    When a driver activates these features (which can be disabled if you so desire), they make it very clear to him (as I have attempted to make it very clear to you) that they are nothing more than driver aids, and that the driver is supposed to keep his hands on the wheel and eyes on the road at all times. Anyone not doing that (such as, unfortunately, the guy in the Tesla who crashed into a trailer) takes responsibility if he crashes because, say, he was reading a newspaper at the wheel and trusting that the car knew what to do. The only fault I see of the companies that make them is the marketing—Tesla, for example, refers to its lane-keep assist function as "Autopilot," which is just dumb because it causes enthusiasts and haters like you alike to think the car is designed to drive itself like the fully-automated service kind.

    It won't, I promise you. It's no different from complaining that the automatic transmission sucks and caused the death of the manual transmission (News flash: most performance cars are available with manuals, and you can still get manual transmissions on regular cars from Ford, Hyundai, Subaru, Mazda, and nearly every other manufacturer).

    What politician do you know that actually cares about cars at all? Even if there are a few people that do, they will be inevitably be overruled by the majority that are still being paid off by the coal industry.

    Car enthusiasts are excited about the prospect of self-driving cars because they're new. It's the same way tech enthusiasts are excited about 5G networks, even if they aren't even close to ready. Once they do come along, the hype will eventually die down, and the people who actually buy/use self-driving cars probably won't attack you for still driving a Mustang (apart from the occasional snobby jerk, which you're going to find in literally every community).

    That is the sound you refusing to admit that you can't change anyone else's opinion.

    The 1973 oil crisis would like a word with you.

    Here's your miraculous breakthrough.

    Something the government attempted to ratify with a tax break, but people like you still found a way to complain anyway.

    This is a flat-out conspiracy theory.

    You: "Electric cars are too expensive."
    The Government: "We'll give you eight grand if you buy one so it won't be as expensive."
    You: "The government is making me pay for something I don't want."
    The Government: "Okay, fine, no more tax break."
    You: "Electric cars are too expensive."

    Again, ICEs aren't going anywhere, you fearmonger.

    They aren't inherently boring, that's your opinion. In my opinion, the performance electric cars being tested by Porsche and Tesla are really cool. Neither of our opinions are fact or inherent.

    I never said you had to like it, I just said your hate towards it (beyond personal preference) was misguided. For many people, driving brings no joy. It's just something they have to do, like work in a dead-end office job. Their joy can come from other things, such as cycling. For these kinds of people, self-driving cars make sense. They aren't sucking the joy out of your life because you're clearly never going to set foot in one, so you have nothing to complain about.

    The expletive are you talking about? There are always going to be people who enjoy what you so lovingly call "genuine, grassroots car culture" (get over yourself), and they aren't going anywhere. There's plenty of room for every kind of vehicle enthusiast, so don't complain that your favorite category is being "overwritten" by someone else's favorite category. As for the game, you already have the Burnside, Bluebuck, Barstow, and Moonhawk, and there's also the SBR4, Sunburst, 200BX, Miramar, Covet, and old Pessima. A real, modern super/hypercar would be interesting solely for the sake of variety (I'd probably use it as often as I use the K-Series, which is to say never).

    The "1960s/1970s 'Murican muscle" archetype is just as, if not more basic than those. You see them everywhere, from video games to Facebook boomer memes to History Channel shows.
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  13. fivedollarlamp

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    Sep 18, 2016
    This man is spitting straight facts.
    • Agree Agree x 6
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  14. combatwombat96

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    Sep 19, 2018
    is it just me or does no-one recognize when the muscle car craze really began or is it that just no-one cares enough... The late '50s. There were some true muscle cars from that era, say the Chrysler 300 series or the Plymouth Fury, '59 Fords and Dodges with the D-500 option, they were true muscle cars that are never really appreciated as proper muscle cars, instead being labelled as "Land Barges" ( which may apply to Ford as they never had very good suspension), Chevrolet just does not count or any GM for that matter. Of course I'm a little biased to say but there were some truly remarkable big block brutes made in that time that will thrash any ol' mustang or Camaro within an inch past its life and keep going for good few more meters then die quietly. People look for the muscle cars... that began the muscle car
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  15. Jaime Palmer

    Jaime Palmer
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    Apr 1, 2017
    I don't want Pre-war cars, this is unrealistic for all in Europe, people don't drive trash from the 30ees because -1 :are dangerous, 2 the most of them are in museums or in private collections of rich people, so I rather more modern cars, regular cars and some sports cars before all those old cars.
  16. Lukas Hirschmann

    Lukas Hirschmann
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    Oct 30, 2019
    You know that this is a game, right?
    You can drive the car around, crash it and then just respawn it.
    • Agree Agree x 13
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  17. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    And then there's many Americans who do want them. These are an incredibly important part of car culture in America, and I believe the game needs to keep real car culture in mind for official content. Also, how many Euro maps do we have compared to American maps? It would be unrealistic for what, Italy and the two test center maps? And how important should the test center maps be for this discussion anyway?.. They are test centers...

    And if we only get cars that people today use as daily drivers, we would have a really boring vehicle roster...

    I can't speak for the others, but for me this was never a question of what should come "before" what, personally I think the next car ought to be a compact Euro along the lines of a Lotus or Alfa or Opel. But I think that someday we do need an American prewar car because it does fit on most maps, is relatable and desirable for a large chunk of the community, and would easily be the most versetile car in game.
    #18717 ManfredE3, Nov 10, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2019
    • Agree Agree x 5
  18. CHEESE!

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    Jan 17, 2016
    Nope, we do. I have seen a Model T and 2 Austin Sevens over the past two weeks
    • Agree Agree x 3
  19. Nathan24™

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    Apr 18, 2017
    It's a video game, what do you expect?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Srockzz

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    May 16, 2015
    Honestly you are making a valid point, but most people think muscle car and thinks 60's, mostly Mustang and Camaro. It would be interesting to see an earlier 50'-59' Bluebuck with a big ass V8 and squareish but curvy at the same time designs that would impale the driver in the case of a crash, and the almighty tail fins.
    --- Post updated ---
    Guys honestly i think that we need to stop the rambling against and in favor of pre-war cars. We just cant agree on it, so i say that we just agree to disagree and move on from the topic. At the end of the day, its up to the devs to decide what to make. I dont care what car we get as long as we got something. All content is good content, even if i dont like it.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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