Uploading mods to the Repository

Discussion in 'Content Creation' started by Nadeox1, Oct 14, 2015.

  1. Tom999

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    It's not really frustration for the most part. It's more just plain sad that like how society can only move as fast as it's slowest member so is the same with BeamNG, and beyond that it has to change to accommodate people who have no idea while creating conditions for those that know what to do and don't have problems. This concept seems to be aimed squarely at you guys not having to answer stupid questions, but guess what?, you will always have to answer stupid questions, now you have also increased your own workload by having to review and approve every single uploaded mod.

    I have my own "stupid question" that I have asked three times already and still can't get an answer to, the only response so far is "this is why we have to change". I get that part of it very clearly as I have stated, it's a sad turn of events catering to those with "near zero skills" ( maybe they should stick with their playstation ). And I guess like nearly all other decisions made we'll just have to accept it as that's just the way it is, yeah, great.

    <<<PLEASE answer the following question>>>,

    If I upload as an archive pack ( 450 skins ) would it still be approved for release to users that actually know how to open a zip and understand the simple concept of copy and paste?

    I understand, " You can't have have multiple mods, for the same vehicle, to be working in a 'Download&Drop' ZIP at the moment". BUT, can I still share content the good old fashioned way until you guys figure this thing out. There are plenty of other users that are capable of dealing with opening a zip and moving a file with their mouse. Would I be restricted or punished for sharing content the way I and others want to on the forum. Do these restrictions apply if it's in my own content shared from my own group?
  2. Tom999

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    Waaaay off the mark there batch man, but hey thanks for piping up about a system that currently doesn't work and isn't even in place, but the conditions for which are in place, "We need to discuss this, because the thing is that you'd need to use a feature that isn't ingame yet (Skins)."

    Makes a whole lot of sense hey?
  3. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    Please, do not start a flamewar here you two .

    I don't know, but for some reason I can feel a lot of 'disapprove/hostility' toward us while reading your post, and I don't get it.
    We are trying our best to make things easier for both users (from 'zero-skills' to 'holdmybeer') and modders.
    You shouldn't see us as a thread trying to block your creation process, because that's not what we are trying to do.

    For your question: The 'MODS' page have this simple rule: Your MODS must work by simply 'Downloading&Dropping' (This rule is just for that page. It does not apply to the forums/group). Why that? Because of 'zero-skills' users. We deal with them, and we are aware if we need such rule or not. And since that rule is there, you can imagine what we have to deal with at the support.

    Your issue: You can't do that with SKINS. Why? Because the game do not have a SKINS support.
    What then? For the moment nothing, you can feel free to release your skins on the forum or in a group. Until we implement something like a skin system or similar.

    The system does work, it's your case and alike that do not, because of a way to approach it is missing for the moment.

    Hope this answers your dubts :)
    • Like Like x 1
  4. tdev

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    BeamNG Team

    Aug 3, 2012
    The reason why everything has to work the same way is simple: we are connecting the forum and the game together, allowing the user to click on a "beamng:getmod/35" link to start the game, download and run the mod. That will make things much easier but requires us to use a common approach of how things are installed.
    • Like Like x 2
  5. Tom999

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    If you see it as "hostile", I apologize. I was afraid you were going to implement this system across the board, but seeing as how it is specifically only for the particular "MODS" page in question, then that's fine, simple answer would have been "just put your skins in the "Mods and Skins" section of the forum, problem solved. So I don't have to worry about the non skilled users at all.... awesome, sorry for the misunderstanding, just going on the limited info provided which could and has in my particular case been taken as MODS page including "Mods and skins". Clarity achieved thank you. End of issue.

    I appreciate the responses ( from the staff ) and did not intend an air of hostility.
  6. tdev

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    BeamNG Team

    Aug 3, 2012

    we fixed skins not working from zips ^ :D
    • Like Like x 4
  7. Tom999

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    Thanks Tdev, awesome work!
  8. defib

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    Aug 6, 2013
    Maybe there can be a tag of like "Advanced" or like "Easy Install" for \mods compatible archives? I like the idea of having everything convenient and easy, but maybe advanced users can use
    Nice! Is it in the next coming update or is it live now?
    Doesn't work in my game (Steam didnt ask to update)
    #48 defib, Oct 21, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2015
  9. jammin2222

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    Sep 15, 2013
    The first release had to be uploaded in two 600 MB parts and the user had to merge them together. I spent days weeding out all the unused for the last update, making it into one zip of 543 MB.
    I spent the last month or so making more models and scenarios to add to the map, making sure no unneeded stuff was added. The last time I zipped it, it was around 620 MB, but have since added more so it will inevitably be bigger. I don't know how I can get a map with approximately 800 .dae files and materials to be a great deal smaller. I was pleased I managed to get the size as small as it is to be honest.
    Granted that Sketchup isn't the best program to use, but a novice like me would never have been able to pull off a city using Blender. None the less the Torque3D site lists it as compatible software.
    I appreciate my map my not be as pretty as professionally made content, but referring to it as a "thing" is kind of insulting. I have put a lot of time into this project. :(
    I'm glad you aim to eventually increase the upload limit, and I realize that you guys have a heap of stuff on your plate. So I would like to say thank you again for the great game that has inspired me to try and make content for. Though I'm feeling less inspired to do so now.
  10. Godzilla!

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    Mar 17, 2013
    It's been a week since I uploaded my mod to the Mods section and it is still waiting approval? I seen mods being uploaded and approved today.
  11. jammin2222

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    Sep 15, 2013
    Sorry for sounding like a broken record, but is there any progress on the upload size limit? I managed to reduce the size of my map to approximately 603 MB by reluctantly deleting a few sounds and preview pictures. It still says the file is too big though. :(
    It doesn't even say what the limit is, so I have no idea if I am even close. It wont accept the old version of my map that was 543MB so I guess I'm miles away from it.
    Any ETA on this would be helpful as people keep asking me where the download link is.
    Cheers for any insight on the matter :)
  12. defib

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    Aug 6, 2013
    What should I do about this: I plan on making a license plate for every US state (common). However, I can't release fifty different mods, though. I plan on releasing them by location. (Southern states, northern, etc). If I put it in packs like this, it would not be compatible by simply dragging into the mods folder. What do?
  13. Scepheo

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    Feb 10, 2015
    I suggest waiting until the license plates are selectable like regular skins, then releasing them all in one pack. In the mean time, you can just upload a zip with all the skins to the forum and add some installation instructions to the post.
  14. defib

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    Aug 6, 2013

    This one? By default, if you don't select a tag, it will be empty. (most mods are empty because there doesn't seem to be a Released tag)
    • Like Like x 1
  15. torsion

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    May 31, 2015
    I realize that I may be re-opening an old wound rather than putting salve on a new one, but for what it's worth... I wouldn't read too much into your creation being called a thing. That term is used in an affectionate or neutral way much more often than a demeaning way. I think it was meant in a neutral way here. Phrases such as "Let's get this thing in gear.", "I love that thing.", or even "Let's get this thing out into the sunlight where I can see it better." are examples of a neutral or positive connotation.

    I think that T3D supports LZMA compression in a *.zip. I was unable to get BeamNG.drive to load a zip compressed with the LZMA algorithm though. ?? (64MB dictionary and word size = 273).

    For me LZMA seemed (subjectively) to be fast. It certainly compressed a level well. I tested it on the level I'm currently working on, which contains a lot of extra stuff. The LZMA algorithm was over 25% smaller than the common "deflate" algo.

    Size (unpacked): 189MB
    Size (zip, Win7): 95MB
    Size (zip, 7z/.zip/deflate/"Ultra"/dict=32kb/wordsize=258): 90.4MB
    Size (zip, 7z/.zip/LZMA/"Ultra"/dict=64MB/wordsize=257): 73.9MB

    EDIT: jammin2222 - I did mean to point out that you may get a small gain, around 5%, by switching to 7z and creating your zips with the deflate settings I provided. You may already be doing that and unfortunately I doubt that 5% will get you across whatever the threshold is.
  16. defib

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    Aug 6, 2013
    Would love to see more organization on the "Mods and Skins" section of the mods page because of the sheer variety.
    Instead of just Mods and Skins, it could be:
    • Mods
      • Vehicles Mods
      • Gameplay Mods (sounds and stuff I suppose.)
    • Skins
      • Vehicle Skins
        • Maybe narrow down by vehicle
      • Part Skins
  17. tdev

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    BeamNG Team

    Aug 3, 2012
    We just finished the infrastructure work on the CDN and are happy to announce that all mod downloads will be using our brand new content delivery network now :)

    How it works: we use a service provider that caches the content for us using local nodes. So for example if someone downloads a file in south america, it will get pulled onto that cache, the 2nd download would be a LOT faster.

    If you have time, you can test if the mod download speed got any better for you.

    If you experience problems, please let us know here
    • Like Like x 8
  18. torsion

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    May 31, 2015
    I have run into a problem: 403 Forbidden when trying to grab this: http://www.beamng.com/resources/guardrail.5/ via the Manual download button.

  19. tdev

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    BeamNG Team

    Aug 3, 2012
    thanks, will fix. THis is because it was set as 'external' download, which is not supported anymore
  20. torsion

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    May 31, 2015
    That makes sense.
  21. Dummiesman

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    Sep 17, 2013
    Sorry for the delays in approvals again! All mod updates should now be approved. Don't hesitate to send me a PM if your update is still waiting.
  22. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    Sorry for the delays (again..), holidays and stuff happening.
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