Laferrari model

Discussion in 'Community Mods - Archived' started by wladimyxp, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. wladimyxp

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    Jan 27, 2013
    Hello friends this is my first post on the forum, and I made a model of a Ferrari and I would put it in Drive Beam NG'm newbie would opniões about my work and tips.

    Here are some prints of this model that has not textured : (

    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. JAM3SwGAM3S

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    Jul 1, 2013
    giphy.gif Mkay
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Petrovsky

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    duplicate account of banned user AwesomeSauce

    Feb 9, 2013
    I really don't understand the instant hating on someone when they post stuff like this. Just because he sucks at english, that doesn't make him a 3d model thief or something. Take a chill pill james (and everyone who "thanked" his post)

    Anyway, I'd ask for help from DrowsySam or dkutch to jbeam this if I were you.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. alexbouckley

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    Jun 4, 2014
    Seeing this in game would be great!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Fundador

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    May 21, 2013
    Id be fascinated to hear your workflow for a complex part such as the seats or engine.
  6. Stormdrain

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    Jun 18, 2013
    15 mins of looking later, i must report ive found no lookalike models on any of the regular "hey i stole credit for this model" sites, so i cautiously believe hes legit.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. JAM3SwGAM3S

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    Jul 1, 2013
    I dont understant your problem Petrovsky, i only said Mkay with a suspicious fry gif.

    Of course because he "sucks" at English does not make him a thief, i never mentioned that (you did).

    Its his very first post, he does not have the BeamNG badge under his name *therefore why would he create mods for a game he does not own , there is no evidence of him creating it and this has happened multiple times before on the forum.

    If he did create it i would have apologised and would have accomplished him because this model looks fantastic and very professional.

    As for "Take a chill pill" there is no need :) i am very chilled out
    #7 JAM3SwGAM3S, Jul 2, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2014
  8. Stormdrain

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    Jun 18, 2013
    Nobody said he made the model for this game. He may have made the model for fun then discovered beam, dug through his hdd and presented a model he made for something completely unrelated to beam, but would still like to put in beam.
  9. wladimyxp

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    Jan 27, 2013
    well sorry for my bad english I just wanted to understand how the game works more bound by opnion of you, just wanted to test the model to play with something made ​​by me, I think it would be cool

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    Anyway thank you for the attention and do not intend to steal another idea and nothing anyone'm just curious and like to know how something was done, stay quiet about it : Eek:
  10. ThreeDTech21

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    Sep 27, 2013
  11. WrongBrothers

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    Aug 7, 2013
    I'm not sure the Bolide is a good base. The Bolide's body-on-frame, and I'm pretty sure the LaFerrari is a unibody. You have to think about body construction as well as layout.
  12. wladimyxp

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    Jan 27, 2013
    I do not have permission to view the topic

    - - - Updated - - -

    I am getting this message can not download the file already checked the email confirmation did not encounter more

  13. ThreeDTech21

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    Sep 27, 2013
    Here you go : ) posted the whole thread:

    Tutorial V 2.0 is here! a more complete tutorial of putting your car into BeamNG : )

    UPDATE NOTES:In the previous tutorial V1 we hijacked the fullsize vehicle folder, replaced it with our own .dae and renamed the parts of our car with the fullsize naming convention, but doing it this will cause problems if there is an upate to the game.
    In this version you will create your own vehicle folder and naming convention. This will avoid any update problems : ) Also I will show you how to center the vehicle in Blender and line up the wheels so that the parts don't go all wacky when you drive and turn.

    By request here is the tutorial to put your car into BeamNG! This method requires that you have a vehicle that is already separated into sections. I will be using Blender 2.70 for this tutorial and assume you are familiar with modeling and the Blender UI. Please download the ExampleCar.dae for this tutorial, t
    he file cannot be opened like a normal blender file you must "import" the file (in the top right grey banner click "view files attached to this thread") if you do already have a car that is in parts then use that for this tutorial, use any name for the car your want but make sure you use that name for the whole tutorial.

    Tutorial V 2.0: Putting your model in game - the easy way! (kind of cheating)

    Disclaimer: The only jbeam structures I use are Gabsters since we are permitted to MOD vehicles. Any vehicle that you put in game that uses others creations you must credit the author. Do not use other peoples jbeam with out their permission. This method is a simplistic way to get a car in game and should not be labeled as a finished product it is a MOD.

    So you have finnished modeling you car (or parts of your car) and you want to put it into jbeam? This is for you. The ExmapleCar is already separated into parts, notice the parts in the outliner: these are parts of the car. Click each part of the car and see what lights up in the outliner. Your more detailed vehicle will have the same format, each part will have a name you give it naturally when creating and separating the car. If you don't name your parts then shame on you. Notice that there is no engine, no real need to model one for this example, the game will run the engine jbeam anyway, in fact it will still run any missing parts of the car mesh: seats, tailpipe, brakes etc. a mesh is mostly for us too look at : ) although the game will crash with no mesh at all soo.. Open the ExampleCar into Blender. (The file cannot be opened like a normal blender file you must "import" the file: Go to: - File > Import > "Collada (Default) (.dae)"

    ExampleCar is already open in Blender. We will open the fullsize.dae for reference. Now open a separate window for blender ( > right click Blender on the start menu > click "Blender.exe - Shortcut")

    Import the fullsize.dae. from the Vehicles > fullsize folder. Look at the outliner and notice the names of the parts. Select the hood of the fullsize and notice the highlighted name in the outliner fullsize_hood. You are now familiar with the parts of a car in Blender : )

    1. Create a New folder in Vehicles Folder

    Go to the BeamNG vehicles folder, Create a folder named BoxCar (or name it any name you want but keep using that name througout this tutorial instead of BoxCar) > this is where all the file we need will go. Open the fullsize folder and copy all the .jbeam files into the BoxCar folder. Now download and copy the ExampleCar.dae into the BoxCar Folder. Rename the ExampleCar.dae to BoxCar.dae

    2. Rename the Files:

    What we have to do now is name all the fullsize.jbeam files in the BoxCar folder to BoxCar.jbeam, you must do this for each .jbeam file.

    3. Rename the .jbeam files:

    Select a .jbeam file, rename that file to BoxCar.jbeam. Now before moving onto the next file open the file that you just renamed in notpad. At the top of notepad select Edit > Replace. In the upper window type fullsize, in the lower window type BoxCar, next click replace. This will replace all the names in the file in one fell swoop : )

    4. Rename the car parts in Blender:

    Now we will name each part of the car to match the naming convention of the fullsize car. Now open the .dae file from the BoxCar folder into Blender (to "import" the file: Go to: - File > Import > "Collada (Default) (.dae)"). Also open the fullsize car into Blender and make sure both the BoxCar blender window and the fullsize Blender window are side-by-side.

    Start renaming the Parts of the BoxCar in the Blender outliner to the same naming convention of the parts in the fullsize Blender outliner. Each part you rename will carry the a different heading name but keep the same part name like this:
    Fullsize_hood = BoxCar_hood = (right) notice its the same case.
    Fullsize_hood = BOXCAR_HOOD = (wrong) notice its upper case.
    notice that the heading (fullsize) has been changed to (BoxCar) but the part name (_door) remains the same. You must use the same case. Do this for all the parts of the BoxCar.

    FOR TIRES. This part is tricky since most cars in Blender have multiple tires. Most cars have more then tire type in the dae file. Figure out what tires are the default tires for the car. You have to name each tire on your car a different tire name that you find in that cars Blender outliner and see wich one shows up in BeamNG, then that is the tire name you use. (I did it for you) Go back to the BoxCar Blender window and select the driver side front tire (Tire 1), the fullsize has 3 sets of tires for each side, for the drivers side front there is: steelwheel_01a_15x9_FL and wheel_02a_18x10_FL and wheel 03a_16x9_FL - the default vehicle uses wheel_03a_16x9 so that is what we will name our tires (if your tires do not show up in BeamNG then use a different tire name until it shows up in BeamNG). on the ExampleCar. Drivers side is the left side. you may have noticed the acronym at the end of the names such as "xxx_RL".

    L = Left
    R = Right
    FL = Front Left
    RL = Rear Left
    FR = Front Right
    RR = Rear Right.

    Make sure you have files like this below:

    5. Make sure the car is centered

    You must center the origin of each car part to x0, y0, z0, this is the default location of the origin in BeamNG. The easy way to do this is right before you are ready to Export the car. In blender select object mode. In the 3D view port press N to bring up the right properties menu. Look for the "3D Coursor" section and set this to y0 x0 z0. Now in the 3D viewport to select all objects in the scene make sure you are in "Object mode" press A to select all, now press CTRL + A and select "Rotation & Scale" then press CTRL + A again and select Location, this will center all the parts to the origin.

    6. Export your car as .dae into the BoxCar folder.

    In blender to Export the file as .dae Go to - File > Export > "Collada (Default) (.dae) save the file in the BoxCar Folder. (any changes made to the 3D model must be Exported to the .dae folder again, while in game press CTRL+R to load the changes.)

    Your car is now ready to go in game! At debug time (game start) the program checks the files being called. It looks in the jbeam files for the names of the meshes it needs and puts the jbeams and meshes together like peanut butter and jelly.
    Last part: give the car an official load name: copy the name.cs file from the fullsize folder into your BoxCar folder. Open the folder it will say: %vehicleName = "insert name here"; this is the name the game will show when you go to open the car in BeamNG.
    fire up the game and load your car > enjoy!

    Remeber the steps!

    1. Create a New folder in Vehicles Folder
    2. Rename the Files
    3. Rename the .jbeam files
    4. Rename the car parts in Blender
    5. Make sure the car is centered
    6. Export the your car as .dae into the BoxCar folder

    Use this method to put any car into the game!


    (Question) It won't show up in game.

    99% of the time it is a naming error. Double check the names of the parts in the outliner, also make sure that the file name is fullsize.DAE and not fullsize.dae.DAE

    Extra Credit:
    (Question) What if I only have a hood or a panel or a seat?..

    No worries just name it correctly and export as .dae and put it in game! Rock on!

    (Question) What if I want to use the pickup jbeam or van jbeam?

    The format is the same as the tutorial, copy all the pickup.jbeam files into your folder and begin the rename process.

    (Question) How detailed does my model have to be?

    It can be a bunch of boxes, or so detailed it makes your machine crawl, as long as it has the right name and has a material it will load to game.

    Extra Extra Credit:
    (Question) what if I want the jbeam to fit my model closer?

    You sir get an apple! the way I do it, wrong or right, is look at the jbeam in the game and look at my own model, load the vehicle you want and study the jbeam structure of the part you are trying to match with it, in this example the hood.

    Press CTRL+L to bring up the jbeam and names, keep pressing L until you see node names

    Locate the node h4LL in the _hood.jbeam file of the car you are using. Use the notepad search function to find it faster, or just search with your eyes : ) On the Covet that node is this line of code in the hatch_hood.jbeam here:

    h4LL is located at a an xyz coordinate its: (x 0.69) (y -1.79) (z 0.73) pictured above. That is the nodes location in 3D space. The selected vertex on the hood of my car is located at coordinate (x 0.72) (y -2.01) (z 0.89) in Blender. To match the node to my vertex location I must type my vertexes coordinates from blender into the line of code for the h4LL node. like this:

    You must do this for all the nodes in the file to match the jbeam to your mesh vertex locations. it is alot of guess work of where you want to line up the node to what vertex. Repeat for each node - grab a cup of coffee and hunker down for a long night! Save the file when done - nothing like losing hours of work.

    There must be a faster way to do this that I am not aware of : )

    Thanks all for looking, hope this helps!!
  14. Fundador

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    May 21, 2013
    Please don't follow that. The model is to nice.
  15. ThreeDTech21

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    Sep 27, 2013
    Indeed follow it, it helps people to understand the basic structure of BeamNG files, also it's for testing purposes.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. WrongBrothers

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    Aug 7, 2013
    That may be an acceptable idea for simply testing what the car looks like in-game. However, none of the stock vehicles are a good base for a modern supercar. The only way to do it is the proper way: make your own JBeam.
  17. Nivracer

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    Jan 23, 2014
    If this gets in the game we can replicate the crash that happened in Monaco! QUICK, SOMEONE MAKE A NEW VW GOLF!!
  18. Mr. Prototype

    Mr. Prototype
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    Feb 14, 2014
    ripped from Forza Motorsport 5 ? If not then it looks really good.
  19. JAM3SwGAM3S

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    Jul 1, 2013
    I thought it was ripped also, but its not >His facebook

    so yer he has actually done a very good job.

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    p.s sorry about the first post but events like this has happened before on this forum, so sorry wladinmyxp its an amazing and very professional looking model that i hope you can achieve in getting it into the game. good luck
  20. joes123

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    Jan 4, 2014
    Everything seems to look good on the car and the textures are pretty good. Yeah I can't wait to see this car when its done cause this would be a joy to have in game driving it around and off of ramps other stuff like that. Ferrari's are never dull cars.:D
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