Top Gear Special got messed up(Spoilers on location, cars and how it ends)

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by Mythbuster, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. Mythbuster

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    Aug 11, 2012
    I warned you about spoilers.

    So Top Gear was filming it's new special in Argentina and Chilli... And Jeremy had a Porsche which numberplate was H982 FKL... Apparantly Argentians are retarded or something because they made a huge big problem that the plate was "totes" a reference to the 1982 Falklands war... Even though the plates had been on the freaking car when it was sold, back in 19-something... Bit of a stretch, ain't it... Top Gear stated it was a pure coincidence.

    So the lovely Argentinians decided they would team up and throw massive rocks at the Top Gear cars 3 days before the end of filming the special... They had to abandon the presenters cars, including a 15.000$ Ford Mustang Mach1, a mint-ish Lotus Esprit, and a mint-ish Porsche 928... I think they even abandoned their freaking expensive Land Rovers and their freaking expensive semi truck, and it says they had to be escorted to the airport by the police. The cars were stored at a police checkpoint or something.

    Apparantly Top Gear has ordered for the cars to be burned, though I'm not sure how legitimate that rumor is.

    You can read more here:
    Ladbible article
    And here:

    Both have pictures.

    You do NOT mess with a Top Gear special, especially if this could be, or could have been the best special to date... I'd say we nuke them. :/

    But seriously... I know this is gonna make for great television just like it did in Alabama, in their US special... Apart from the bit where it's gonna be the actual end of the special, because they simply had to "get the hell outta dodge" and leave the country... :/

    what are your thoughts on wheither this is good or bad for the actual episode, and do you, like me, feel sad that the Mustang, Esprit and Porsche had to be abandoned and possibly burned?
    s7ajpkvzibqwl8uup6l6.jpg dmjechnvwqdhpzbnjkuo.jpg xdngrwk5ju46bkat5wy9.jpg TOP-GEAR-ARGENTINA-9.jpg
    #1 Mythbuster, Oct 3, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2014
  2. argilla11

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    Sep 8, 2013
    That's pretty infuriating.
  3. n0ah1897

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    Jan 31, 2013
    That's really unfortunate.
  4. Potato

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    Feb 19, 2013
    Let's nuke them.
  5. logoster

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    Sep 5, 2012
    no offence to any agentinans on these forums but ummmm, STUPID ARGENTINANS, Y U DO DIS TO TOPGEAR (Rhetorical question)
  6. Ukkone...

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    Aug 5, 2013
    That lotus tho...

    Yes the subject is sore to Argentineans but isn't that quite the overshoot ? In that jalopnik video, on the comment section some said that they really had no idea what the plate said, other than that it was insulting for them... In a group stupidity condenses:rolleyes:
  7. SixSixSevenSeven

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    Sep 13, 2013
    See I'm probably going to get some hate from an argentinian member. But from my biased perspective, the british conquered it from spanish forces originally, argentina wanted it back, they tried, they failed, therefore its ours.

    Now a purely coincedental license place? Come on, if I walk over there in a T shirt that happens to have an 82 on it, it wouldnt be a reference to the falklands conflict, why would I want to reference such a thing? It would simply be a case of having a t shirt with an 82 on it and these people would still try to stab me it seems.
  8. Atomix

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    Dec 15, 2012
    I read about that on a czech news site, its just some Argentian putos getting mad about the fact that they don't own the Falklands.

    I don't care about what happened to J.C and friends, because they alredy did waay too much stuff that they deserved to get beaten for, after all, the show is 100% prescripted, and the three are nothing but plain actors. The only things that is actually a shame is the cars. they could at least import them back, but burning them is not the right thing. they are probably not gonna do it anyway, because you can't just stash a few burnt down sportscars behind a police station. Sending them to get crushed, at the other hand... is likely to happen. It's BBC, they don't give a hoot about green.
    #8 Atomix, Oct 4, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2014
  9. TechnicolorDalek

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    Dec 6, 2013
    That read was a barrel of lolz all the way through.
    The fact anyone would think that is hilarious.
    The fact they did that is hilarious.
    The fact anyone cares so much about cars they'll never even touch is hilarious.
    The fact a final for such an apparently popular show was ruined is hilarious.
    The fact that so many of you will be mad at me for this is hilarious.
  10. BlueScreen

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    Apr 5, 2014
    I know some people from Argentina, and from what I know the country is, like most(all) of South America, full of morons who throw rocks at anything they don't like.
    If you go to NY and your plate is 911 WTC... Some people might get mad, but nobody's gonna make you leave the US. Nobody's gonna throw rocks at you, just because of your license plate number.

    Anyway, I guess it'll be Alabama 2... But WAY more idiotic. I mean, that time they had written their cars with the only purpose being to offend and annoy the locals.

    - - - Updated - - -

    You know what? I'll hop into the don't-give-a-shit train too. One ticket to lolzville please.
  11. TheAdmiester

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    Aug 7, 2012
    I say we invite them back to the Falklands for round 2.
  12. SixSixSevenSeven

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    Sep 13, 2013
    Waste of ammo. The people lost faith in the government after that conflict. In the years since, the military has been poorly maintained and they are no better off than they were at the end of the conflict. In the years since, our own military has only gotten better (well, tbh, armchair general here is voting for the stopping power of the old 7.62mm FAL's we deployed in the falklands over the 5.56mm in the SA80). They simply do not have the military power to launch on the falklands and will not do it, and they know that we know they can't. I bet they want to, chuck some new military hardware at them and they would probably have at us, but they don't have the equipment to attack us anymore, they don't have a huge amount of backing to do it either. We won the last conflict fair and square and they know we could do it again.
    There was enough loss of life in the first conflict. Nobody wants it again. At least this is just a few cars and not good men and women.
  13. Occam's Razer

    Occam's Razer
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    Aug 7, 2013
    I'm not quite sure how they're going to edit that. With the way that Top Gear is scripted, that would be a rather abrupt end to the special, like cutting the third act out of any given work of narrative. Knowing Clarkson, they'll probably come back to the UK and have a Falklands War-themed demo derby dedicated to their evictors.

    Then again, knowing Clarkson, he probably spent the majority of the episode satirizing the conflict to start with. What goes around, comes around, you know?

    Exactly. Why look at anger over a war and ask for ANOTHER WAR?

    I live in a greatly conservative area. The good side of that coin is that locals give a lot of credit to armed service members, and them showing up in local parades or events to only adoration is commonplace. The bad side of that coin, however, is that locals have this one-sided, loud, proud, "come at us!" nature, begging for conflict whilst knowing that our side will emerge victorious. It's like people only truly admire the gravity of war when assessing the damage left behind. And people never remember the other side, as though anyone we ever fought is less valuable, almost subhuman. We recall our scared 19-year-olds like valiant knights and their scared 19-year-olds like villainous monsters, as it's more romantic than the complexity of reality.
  14. MetalMilitia623

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    Jun 28, 2014
    I imagine it will be like the Perfect Road trip special that Jeremy and Richard took part in. (A bit of a spoiler if you haven't seen it) At the end while driving through France they get stopped for speeding are told to hand over their money and that they are not allowed to drive in France anymore and they had to end the special there when they were planning on driving to Pau.

    I also imagine they will throw in.. "And with that, back to the studio."
  15. logoster

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    Sep 5, 2012
    so, it's now starting to show up on US news channels, last night was on NBC News (KRCA or something like that i believe)
  16. Hati

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    Aug 5, 2012
    Clarkson... somehow I knew it would be his porsche. Thats fucking hilarious, and the man is an absolute legend. I wouldn't put it past him to have simply managed to sneak it past the producers. oh god, the man never ceases to make me laugh. Then again, clarkson isnt a subtle man. It wasn't him otherwise it would have been XM 597 or something as blatent as that.
    #16 Hati, Oct 5, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2014
  17. VeyronEB

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    Aug 5, 2012
    The near mint cars ended kinda messed up before the stoning anyway :/ Still a huge overreaction none the less...

    (imported from here)
  18. Atomix

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    Dec 15, 2012
    The porshe even had these two red racing stripes. what a bummer.

    (imported from here)

    The film crew didn't tell te policemen to burn them, they said "you can set them on fire if you like but we are out of here", so they might just rott behind the station, because the police can't touch them because of legal reason, and noone of BBC will come back, so you can imagine that they will be parted, and there will soon be just empty car body's on bricks, with everything stolen. Better than burnt, but worse than exported and sold.
  19. Mythbuster

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    Aug 11, 2012
    Except, if you look closely, the Mustang is still 100% mint, even with the mods. They took off the tailgate, and added a cage around it so it could not possibly get damaged during the shooting of the show.
    The esprit, once again, has no mods other than a tow hitch.

    The Porsche just has the tailgate removed like the Mustang, and has some decals.

    You can pretty clearly see that they intended these cars to not get damaged, especially the Mustang. The blower/bugcatcher on the Mustang was there from the start, by the way.
  20. arud33

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    Aug 29, 2013
    Well, it was a polemic episode, the thing is that here in Argentina the only "big" war we have had was this one, although it was in 1982 people are still hurt with the issue. Idk if its true or not but according to people clarkson started everything while they were filming in the middle of the ski resort, he was having a bad attitude, was arrogant and cocky and he made some jokes about the war.
    Other thing is that the people that threw eggs and rocks were mostly people from the northern part of the country (because of the accent), there are mostly from low class with lack of respect and education, coming to patagonia for work opportunity
    The sad thing is that the police found like four different license plates in the porsche back floor
    Cars where stored in the police station for a while and then shipped to england. No Land Rover or Trucks where abandoned in the place, just the 3 cars.
    Greeting guys!
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